Descubre el mundo retro de Single Pixel Studio y sus juegos únicos.

Single Pixel Studio, dirigido por Javier Romero, está creando experiencias nostálgicas con sus juegos para Game Boy Color. Con 'Mictlan un viaje' y su prólogo 'Tlalticpac antes de Mictlan', sumérgete en aventuras que rinden homenaje a la era dorada de los videojuegos retro.

5/8/20241 min leer

A person is holding a retro-styled video game controller with their thumbs resting on the analog sticks. In the background, a television display shows a video game scene featuring a white duck walking along a stream bordered by grass. The room is warmly lit, with various items such as a clock and some plants visible in the background.
A person is holding a retro-styled video game controller with their thumbs resting on the analog sticks. In the background, a television display shows a video game scene featuring a white duck walking along a stream bordered by grass. The room is warmly lit, with various items such as a clock and some plants visible in the background.

Desarrollo de videojuegos